Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Shiekh Jaber Ahmed Al-Sabah

H.H shiekh Jaber Ahmed Al-Sabah
H.H shiekh Jaber Ahmed Al-Sabah was born in 29 may 1926. In 1977 H.H took the thrown after the death of his cousin. He was known for being wise and had experience in financial   matters to benefit his country especially regarding the organization of Kuwait's internal and external financial affairs.

Sheikh Jaber was a strong advocate of Arab unity and fully supported political and economic powers in the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula. He played an important role in the establishment of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the first historic summit of the organization that was held in the United Arab Emirates in 1981. H.H also played a vital role in bringing together an  international coalition to restore Kuwait's independence after the Iraqi invasion.

After the liberation of Kuwait, Sheikh Jaber led the efforts to reconstruct the country in a short period of time. He died in 15 January 2006.
Kuwait Liberation Day

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